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The Ultimate Card Deck for Breed Buffs and Science Nerds

Fidome is the card deck for dog lovers who want to dig deeper than fur and fluff. It organizes breeds by the genetic quirks they share—not just the jobs they’re famous for. Discover the hidden science behind your favorite furry companions!

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FIDOME is currently under development

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Grouped by DNA. Not job titles.

 With over 80 breeds, we’ve ditched the ‘Working,’ ‘Herding,’ and ‘Hounds’ labels for something far more fascinating: dwarf breeds, miniature breeds, muscle-bound powerhouses, and the genes that make them who they are.

Cards first. Science optional.

These are your go-to playing card decks, but the aces hold the secrets—delving into the genetic traits that define each suit. Learn a little science or simply enjoy your game of choice.

Two decks. 85 breeds. No red.

Even if you're not colorblind, your dog is. To honor our furry friends, Fidome suits are now rocking gold and blue—because science.

1. COAT CHECK - from curls to mustaches, it’s all about the fur

2. FORM FACTOR - spotlighting some of the genes behind stature and structure


Swipe to see your favorite breed's hidden secrets!



DECK NAME: The breeds are separated in one of two decks - COAT CHECK (featuring breeds categorized by coat mutations) or FORM FACTOR (featuring breeds with structural conditions)


Breeds are grouped in one of eight categories across two decks. Each category/suit represents a different genetic mutation or condition.


GENE INVOLVED: One gene that has been associated with the condition


CHROMOSOME: The chromosome where the gene is located (Chromosome #13 in this case)


TRAIT: The visible result of the genetic mutation or condition - FURNISHINGS (eyebrows, beards and mustaches) in this case


ADDITIONAL CATEGORIES: If the breed is known to carry other mutations listed in either deck, additional suits (mutation categories) are listed here.

Science-approved. Shuffle-ready.

Even if you don't give a fluff about the science, the decks are packed with peer-reviewed research on one of Earth’s most genetically manipulated species.

Ready to meet the mutants?

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