Two things about dogs.
1 - I have always believed that dogs hold the prize for the most genetically manipulated species (by man) on the planet.
Not that there was a competition or anything.
But, between the size variation, coat variation, and a laundry list of other physical differences, you’d think that creating each breed required a clean slate.
It doesn’t.
Because of one other simple fact.
2 - Regardless of size or shape, all dogs have approximately the same number of bones. The total varies depending on tail length, but the blueprint is damn consistent.
This consistency allows me to reuse parts—rib cages, skulls, and even pieces of fur—across breeds. Most of the bones you see were created in separate layers in Adobe Illustrator, making them fully moveable and endlessly adaptable. I not only use bones across breeds, but I can also reposition a dog into a more interesting pose.
Most of the bones are free to move around and create new poses and, ultimately, new art. I make standing dogs trot, trotting dogs sit and, in this case, I make standing Poms fly.
Just from rearranging a few bones and some pieces of fur.